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Scripts for Practitioners

1,300+ Hypnosis Scripts for Hypnotherapists

Hypnotic World’s hypnosis scripts have been carefully developed since 2000 by experienced hypnotherapists for therapists helping clients with a variety of issues.

Their hypnosis scripts employ a range of techniques including inspiring metaphors and visualizations to reinforce a session’s hypnotic suggestions, along with advanced methods, such as anchoring and future pacing, to enable you to help your clients to achieve the greatest benefit from their therapy.

All the scripts below can be downloaded in text format, edited for clients and printed, and scripts are also available in PDF and Word formats.

New scripts are added regularly


Choose from over 1000 professionally-written hypnotherapy scripts from the experienced hypnotherapists at Hypnotic World. Click an script to view more information and view:
Addictive Personality
Alcohol Cessation
Alcohol Moderation
Binge Drinking
Boredom Drinking
Caffeine Addiction
Chewing Tobacco
Chocolate Addiction
Compulsive Spending
Cutting Down on Smoking
E-Cigarette Addiction
Fun Without Alcohol
Gambling Addiction
Nicotine Craving
Nicotine Gum Addiction
Online Gambling
Pipe Smoking
Psychic Phone Line Addiction
Quit Smoking Now
Salt Addiction
Shopping Addiction
Smoke-Free House
Smoking Addiction 2
Smoking Association
Smoking Aversion
Soft Drink Addiction
Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis
Stopping Smoking
Stopping Smoking with Time Distortion
Stopping Smoking: The Valley
Sugar Addiction
TV Addiction

Anger Management
Anger Management
Anger Management 2
Stopping Swearing

Business Skills and Finance
Attracting Abundance
Career Change Confidence
Enjoy Your Job
Executive Skills
Financial Worries
Natural Negotiation
Successful Interviews
Time Management

Abortion Relaxation
Baby Bonding
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
Breech Birth Relaxation
Childbirthing Cycle Visualization
Crying Baby
Elective Caesarean Section
Infertility Relaxation
IVF Relaxation
Morning Sickness Relaxation
Natural Childbirth
Pre-IVF Relaxation
Sustaining a Healthy Pregnancy Visualization

Children's Issues
Anger Management for Children
Child Meditation
Child Stuttering
Children's Hypno-Relaxation
Confidence for Children
Coping with Divorce for Children
Enjoy School Homework
Fear of Vomiting for Children
Magic Carpet Induction
OCD: Balloon Room
Opposition Defiance Disorder
Perfect Parenting
Separation Anxiety for Young Children
Thumb Sucking

Be Confident
Best Man's Speech
Blushing in Groups
Camera Shy
Circle of Confidence
Confidence and Positivity
Confidence at Work
Confidence Building
Confidence for Hypnotherapists
Confidence Kite
Confidence: Conference Table
Confidence: Crystal Ball
Confidence: Garden of Life
Dating Confidence
Ego Strengthening
Football Confidence
Inappropriate Laughter
Increased Self Esteem
Living in the Now
Making Decisions
Powerful Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Self Belief: Protective Shield
Stop Stuttering
Teenage Friendships
Voice Projection

Driving Test
Driving Theory Test Nerves
Exam Success
Practical Exams
Presentations and Exams

Fears and Phobias
Child Fear of Flying
Fear of Anaesthesia
Fear of Authority
Fear of Balloons
Fear of Bees or Wasps
Fear of Being Alone
Fear of Birds
Fear of Blood
Fear of Blood Tests
Fear of Bodily Functions
Fear of Buttons
Fear of Cancer
Fear of Cats
Fear of Childbirth
Fear of Choking for Adults
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Criticism
Fear of Crowds
Fear of Death
Fear of Dental Treatment
Fear of Doctors and Dentists
Fear of Dogs
Fear of Driving
Fear of Eating
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Escalators
Fear of Failure
Fear of Fainting
Fear of Fear
Fear of Flying
Fear of Flying 3
Fear of Flying Everyday
Fear of Frogs
Fear of Germs
Fear of Ghosts
Fear of Heights or Bridges
Fear of Injections
Fear of Insects
Fear of Inserting Contact Lenses
Fear of Internal Examinations
Fear of Intimacy
Fear of Lizards
Fear of Loud Noises
Fear of Monsters (for Children)
Fear of Moths
Fear of Motorway Driving
Fear of MRI Scans
Fear of Needles (for Children)
Fear of Passenger Driving
Fear of Pregnancy
Fear of Public Toilets
Fear of Rats and Mice
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Soiling
Fear of Spiders
Fear of Spiders for Children
Fear of Success
Fear of Surgery
Fear of Swimming for Children
Fear of Talking on the Telephone
Fear of the Dark
Fear of Thunderstorms
Fear of Travel
Fear of Trying New Food
Fear of Vomiting
Fear of Water 2
Fearless Flying
Phobia Release
School Phobia
Sea Sickness Relaxation
Social Phobia

Saying Goodbye

Habits and Disorders
Anorexia: A New Beginning
Appetite Increase Visualization
Chewing Annoyance
Compulsive Lying
Creating Alternatives
Drink Driving Aversion
Fear of Falling Over
Knuckle Cracking
Morning Person
Mouth and Cheek Biting
Nail Biting
Nervous Cough
Nervous Swallowing Relaxation
Obsessive Behavior
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Relaxation 3
Overcome Bulimia
Restless Leg Syndrome Relaxation
Selective Mutism
Snoring Relaxation
Stop Thumb Sucking (for Adults)
Swallowing Pills with Ease
Teeth Grinding
Tone Deafness
Trichotillomania (Compulsive Hair Pulling)
Unwanted Thoughts Relaxation

Abandoned Baby
Finding Lost Objects

Memory and Learning
Accelerated Studying
Better Handwriting
Dance The Night Away
Dyscalculia Relaxation
Dyslexia Relaxation
Foreign Language Study
Listening Skills
Memory and Concentration
Mental Blocks
Peak Performance
Perfect Pianist
Personal Pride
Photographic Memory
Presentations and Exams
Speed Reading
Stage Fright Auditions
Super Learning
Velvet Voice
Writing Skills

Pain Relaxation
Comfortable Dentures Relaxation
Muscular Relaxation

Personal Development
Accepting Change
Accepting Responsibility
Accepting Yourself
Become Tidy and Organized
Better Conversationalist
Brain Power
Charisma Visualization
Enjoy Housework
Great Guitar Playing
Happiness Visualization
Inner Adviser
Life Changes
Make Your Dreams Come True
New Beginnings - Changing Personal History
Over-Sensitivity Relaxation
Reinvent Yourself
Self Consciousness
Self Criticism
Self Expectations
Song Writing Skills
Speaking Slower
The Joy of Reading
Unlock Your Creative Abilities
Unlock Your Visualization Ability
Writer's Block

Psychic and Paranormal
Akashic Journey
Automatic Writing
Inner Truth Meditation
Meeting Your Spirit Guide
Out of Body Experience
Psychic Protection
Settling in a New Country

Regression and Progression
Affect Bridge Technique
Age Regression
Antique Shop Regression
Back to the Womb
Chakra Regression
Fly to the Future
Future Life Progression
Hall of Mirrors
Higher Consciousness
Inner Child
Life Script
Past Life Rainbow
Past Life Regression
Rainbow Regression
Tree of Life

Accepting Alcoholism
Co-dependency to Independence
Dealing with Divorce
Draw Love into Your Life
Ending a Relationship
Forgetting an Ex-Lover
Heartbreak Relaxation
Hypnosis for Lovers
Letting Go of Resentment
Moving On In a Relationship
Premature Ejaculation
Rebuilding Trust
Relationship Addiction
Saying No to Sex
Successful Step Parenting
Unrequited Love

Deep Relaxation
Island Walk
Ski Slope
The Road to Granada

Self Hypnosis
Hypnotize Yourself

Sports Improvement
Better Basketball
Better Snooker
Bike Riding Confidence
Boxing Boost
Champion Darts
Championship Cricket
Chess Master
Exercise for Fun
Exercise Motivation
Perfect Poker
Perfecting a Back Handspring
Rock Climbing
Rugby League
Running and Jogging
Show Jumping Confidence
Sports Improvement
Tennis Improvement
Wrestling Improvement

Stress and Anxiety
Anger Tool
Anxiety Release
Coronavirus Anxiety
Gagging Relaxation
Guilt Complex
Hyperventilation Relaxation
Mind Clutter
Morbid Thoughts
Negative Release
Panic Attacks Relaxation
Separation Anxiety
Silver Sack Negativity
Stress Management
Wash Away Stress
Wedding Day Nerves
Work Worries

Weight Loss
Attic Weight Loss
Boredom Eating
Easy Weight Loss
Festive Eating
Fit, Trim and Healthy
Gastric Band Hypnosis Adjustment
Gastric Band Weight Loss
Hypnotic Gastric Band
Lose Protective Weight
Maintaining Weight Loss
Night-Time Eating
Stop Snacking
Weight Gain for Women
Weight Loss
Weight Loss (NLP Type Approach)
Weight Loss - Escape from Prison
Weight Loss: Control Room
Weight Loss: Trick the Mind

1,250+ Hypnosis Scripts from Uncommon Knowledge

Subtle, metaphor packed Ericksonian hypnotherapy scripts with pre-hypnosis chat and naturalistic inductions, written by professional hypnotherapy trainers.

Each script contains pre-hypnotherapy chat, often laden with reframes and therapeutic suggestions followed by the hypnotherapy script itself. The scripts have been professionally edited and annotated with suggestions for emphasis, timing and rhythm – you can see an example on the scripts pages below. All the scripts are prepared in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format and are easily printed out.

Other professional hypnotherapy resources


Hypnosis Scripts Library

The Hypnosis Downloads scripts library is the largest collection of Ericksonian hypnotherapy scripts in the world. Every script comes with pre-session chat and is formatted with rhythm and emphasis. The scripts are in PDF format.